Top 5 posters

  1. 26- Could use more simplification
  2. 37- A little more spacing
  3. 40- The words in the middle are kind of hard to see
  4. 50- Kind of blurry
  5. 53- Forgot the masters degrees

All of these are all beautiful. All of them.

Time capsule

What would you put in time capsule and why?

6 things I would put in a time capsule is

  • Ice cream because I love ice cream
  • Food so I dont starve
  • Books so I can read and stay smart
  • A gym to stay fit
  • Survival kit in case something bad happens
  • Games so if I get bored I can play

Specific skills

Why is having a specific skill going to be important to having a successful career?

Having a specific skill is important in a career because it can help you know what to do. Also having a specific skill can help you to stay organized.It makes you think of one thing and focus on it.

Dear future President

Dear Future President,

I want to discuss with the future president about somethings. For example, racism and ways people should treat each other. Also about people who are forlorn because there are a lot of people that are running out of money and some also don’t have homes.

Just ice

My opinion on just ice is to treat people the same way you treat others. It does not matter if they are a different color or they speak a different languge we should all just treat eachother the same. We all should treat eachother with respect. People may be a different color on the outside but we are all the same in the inside.All life matters!

My Cover

My cover color will be or might be purplish blueish because I will try to make it match the photo.I will use a flower  picture  so that it will be the shape of a flower but a galaxy is in the flower. By life or nature.

The video

The video ”Learning Styles” really spoke to me because everyone learns a different way. For example, there are people who learn in stories, listening,kinetics,and visual learning,audio learning,and other ways.People are different so they all do things differently.